Watch this video to see the young breastfeeding counselor in action. Unlike Jen, she ends her calls with "Do you have anything else to tell me? I love you! Bye!"
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Have a breastfeeding question?
Watch this video to see the young breastfeeding counselor in action. Unlike Jen, she ends her calls with "Do you have anything else to tell me? I love you! Bye!"
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Happy Birthday Ainsley
She's doing a lot of talking now, and she has little signs she makes to let us know what songs she wants us to sing (Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and Five Little Monkeys). This video shows some of her talking and tricks.
Hunt for the Perfect Tree
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Young Bridge Engineer
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Adventures of the Running Fairy Princess and her Bunny
Monday, October 15, 2007
Go Ainsley Go!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Over the River and Through the Woods
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Step away from the Swiffer...
Yet more evidence that regular household items are far more entertaining to babies than carefully sculpted plastic. Here's a movie of the Swiffer antics (Reiley got a little too close to the Swiffer for Ainsley's comfort), including Ainsley's trademark "grimace smile".
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Hokey Pokey, anyone?
Right now I'll politely stay silent, enjoy the fact that she's three, and listen to the solo choruses of Hokey Pokey.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Apple Picking Time
That said, I've been looking forward to going apple picking for several weeks. So I was less than pleased when the morning's forcast predicted a high of 89 degrees. The heat increased our frustration factor (particularly for Reiley who prefers to find the shady spot in any amount of bright sun). However, the pig races, pumpkin cannon shooting, petting zoo, and ice cream at the apple farm upped our spirits (rather, prevented a complete meltdown before we were able to get cool in the air-conditioned car). Here are some highlights:
We kind of rudely sat Ainsley in the huge barrel of apples just to get a cute picture. Selfish of us - yet cute!
Last year during apple picking, Reiley sat in one of the trees (the closest this non-risk-taker has come to climbing a tree) and wanted to recreate it this year.
Ainsley spent about half an hour chewing on the apple, and Reiley in the background is clearly spent. (In retrospect, we realized she was coming down with a stomach virus, not just crabby).
Fun and sweat was had by all!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Ainsley's Adventures
She's figured out how to pull herself up on her knees, but is still trying to understand how to pull herself up the rest of the way. In this picture she's trying to steal the apple on the picnic table from an unsuspecting Reiley.
Her newfound mobility has made the dishwasher her favorite plaything. Just the right height to pull up on, a shelf that slides in and out, dishes to take in and out. WAY more fun than the hunks of wood and plastic in our house called toys.
Ainsley's also very interested in reading all of our grown-up books. She studies the covers, trying to pull the words off, flipping the pages, until she gets FURIOUS about something that I haven't quite figured out. That's the point when she typically chucks the book across the room in frustration.
I had forgotten how fun nine month-olds can be! So much personality, new mobility, funny babbles - all fun and games until she gets into big sister's toys, not understanding that they are carefully placed for an elaborate pretend scenario. Once she starts crawling, I forsee some brawls.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Movies Movies Movies
Here is a movie of our worm adventure yesterday, complete with mom commentary from me. Mom commentary seems useful when I'm talking to the kids, but now that I'm sharing it with everyone I realize the potential lameness :-). I'm coming to terms with the fact that my "cool" factor might be decreasing as I get older and plummeting even more quickly due to my mom status. Oh well, the girls think I'm funny (at least for a few more years).
Here's an oldie: Reiley practicing her guitar skills with a rousing rendition of Oh Susannah. We might be American Idol bound!
This one is of one of Ainsley's favorite pasttimes - the head-shaking game. She'll look at you (usually while she's eating in the highchair) with raised eyebrows and shake her head, waits for you to shake your head, and then shakes her head again. Looks funnier than it reads - it keeps us giggling!
And for all of the Cardinal fans out there, we'll close this blog with an inspiring round of "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" by Reiley
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Attempting to be a Modern Blogger...
To save my children from dying while I impart my humor, I'll use the blog to keep you family and friends updated on our life and to share pictures and movies of our rapidly-growing girls. If all is calm on the homefront, you may even receive an occasional treat of my thoughts about the world. (I know, you can't wait, right?)
Here are some pictures of the girls:
Reiley has really developed a love for anything crafty. We made this bird feeder and Reiley spent about 30 minutes painting it (using this VERY serious face). What I failed to remember is that bird feeder painted with washable paint = no paint on the bird feeder after it rains. Fortunately, there was no turmoil because of the paintless bird feeder.
While Kevin was digging up weeds, he found a worm and Reiley wanted to hold it. Keep in mind this is the kid that one year ago would not touch any bugs. She spent 20 minutes keeping it as her friend, showing it the swingset (including going down the slide and steering the wheel).
Letting Ainsley touch it. Although Reiley had serious fears that Ainsley might eat it or squish him.
I'm trying to be artsy with the camera (it doesn't happen often).
Ainsley going down the slide on her tummy. Reiley is such a timid slide-goer (probably because I was a nervous first-time mom) that Kevin and I are determined to make Ainsley a slide enthusiast.
I'm tired tonight from all of this blog learning. I'll post some movies tomorrow!