We don't watch a lot of TV at our house, but we do enjoy borrowing different DVDs from the library and Reiley watches an episode during Ainsley's nap. Lately, she's been liking the Curious George DVDs. The show is cute - it has an animated story, and then kids doing some sort of activity that is a take off of one of the show's themes. Reiley watched an episode where George breaks his leg, and after the show, some kids trace around their bodies, guess what their bones look like by feeling them, and draw them in the body outline. Reiley thought this looked like a cool activity, so she told me she wanted try it too. She was really proud of it and exclaimed, "I can't believe that this is what my bones look like!"

I knew I could look like one of those supermoms who actually has these kind of enriching activities all planned out and claim that this was my doing. But I won't lie - Curious George gives me a 30 minute break during Ainsley's nap, since most days Reiley doesn't nap anymore. So thank you, Curious George, for the break and for the fun with bones. Here's a video of Reiley talking about her "skeleton drawing". She really wanted me to put it on the blog.
I knew I could look like one of those supermoms who actually has these kind of enriching activities all planned out and claim that this was my doing. But I won't lie - Curious George gives me a 30 minute break during Ainsley's nap, since most days Reiley doesn't nap anymore. So thank you, Curious George, for the break and for the fun with bones. Here's a video of Reiley talking about her "skeleton drawing". She really wanted me to put it on the blog.