Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Welcoming Sawyer Home

We've had a busy two weeks welcoming Sawyer home! He's breastfeeding well, sleeping A LOT (he's only awake about 4 hours a day), and so nice to snuggle! Here's the little man with his eyes open. I was too lazy (I have about 5 minutes to throw this post together) to get the red eye out. We are starting to think that he might end up with brown eyes. The dark blue that he had the first few days has changed to a murky grey/brown color. I've had some dissenting opinions regarding my theory, but I think my Mom hunch is right (or do I just really love brown-haired, brown-eyed boys?).

The girls were SO excited when his umbilical cord stump fell off and they were able to take a bath with him. He was very calm in the bath and tolerated Reiley's thorough washing of him, and Ainsley's attempts to drag him out of the bathtub so that she could sit in it (yes, Ainsley is experiencing some middle-child angst right now; Mommy is trying to give her lots of Ainsley-alone snuggle time).

I think that he looks especially beefy in this picture. His face is really starting to fill out, but his legs are still super-skinny, which looks hilarious sticking out from his huge cloth diaper.

Reiley and Sawyer have some special snuggle time whenever he's awake. She'll hold him for 20 minutes at a time, stroking him and filling him in on what's going on in the world (Obama's presidential win, the weather, where we are going to go during the day, etc.) It's one of those sweet scenes that warms a mother's heart (and makes my eyes well up with big, post-partum tears).

The "I have two big sisters" dress-up games have officially begun. Fortunately, we don't have any play make-up around with which to decorate my dear son.
The girls like to read to him, though they become quickly frustrated that he can't sit through a 20-minute story.

Ainsley's favorite Sawyer game is anything that involves sitting or laying by him. She'll quickly dump Baby Jesus to save a spot on her lap for Baby Sawyer. Unfortunately, she also tries to roll Baby Sawyer off in the same way. We're working on that one!
We'll keep you posted, and will hopefully get more Sawyer eyes-open pictures as he has more awake hours during the day.


Kathy said...

Aaaaaaah I love him!

Kathy said...

Apparently I'm a secret agent lover girl!

(I'm also Sawyer's proud Aunt Kathy!)

Kalinda said...

So Mike and I separately reached the conclusion that he looks like Kevin in that first picture. Heh.

Also, clearly little brothers are made to play dress-up. ;)

Krista said...

I love this post! Great pics! He's so beautiful (as are the girls, of course:) Let us know when you're up for visitors.