Sawyer is a "Big-a Boy!" as Ainsley likes to say. Sawyer's "unofficial" weigh-in (the two of us on a scale - me on the scale = Sawyer) at 3 months today is 16 lbs! That's double birthweight (and my back is feeling it)! Some of his favorite activities include clasping his hands and looking at them, huge smiles, and cooing at big sisters. Here's Reiley getting some close attention.
Ainsley's fun too. Ainsley wakes him up every morning by saying "Sawyer is still sleeping, Mom!" and then pats (waps, rather) him on the tummy or rubs his head lovingly. They're buds.
He uses Tummy Time to smile, eat his hand, and occasionally try to push himself up I foresee another slow one in the motor development department:-). But he's so cute!
Future GQ ad? Few women can resist a man in a bulky cloth diaper.
Some Mama snuggles. Beefy babies are great to snuggle!
Here's a video of a little bit of cooing. I'm trying to remember to take videos of him to avoid the "you must have hated me" conversations that will happen when he's 10 and realizes the overabundance of Reiley videos.
Friday, January 30, 2009
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Wow he's gettin big! :D
He's so cute! (And big!)
Can't wait till we get to play with him again. (And you know, everyone else too ;)
Wow Sawyer is really moving around well! Loved the photos too. Give all the kids a kiss for me.
Thanks for the post Pen!
Aaah, he's like a cartoon baby, he's too precious! I want to tickle his chubs!
Dolls, all of them just dolls! Sawyer sure does have a lot of quality entertainment too :)
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