We got to meet Cousin Lucy! Kevin's sister, Kathy, has (clearly) the most adorable 8-week-old baby girl. She was in St. Louis for the past three weeks and we got to spend lots of time fawning over Baby Lucy.
Holding her, singing to her, bouncing her, and loving on her A LOT. It's so fun to have a cousin! I loved having Kathy here to be one of my full=time "Mom friends". Chatting while nursing our babies together, watching the other girls run around, indulging on afternoon coffee to keep ourselves awake - so great! Now that she's back in NYC, we'll have to resume our afternoon Skype sessions (maybe drin
king coffee simultaneously:-)).
Reiley has been spending the last few months starting her first season of softball. Here she is sporting the much-too-large uniform with matching visor. I'm very proud of her because playing in full-sun, heat, and humidity is NOT her forte, but she's been a trooper. She's declared being in the field as "pretty boring", and her favorite part is the snack after the game. Though she does say that batting and running the bases is "pretty awesome."
Dance class resumes this month, and her summer camps at her soon-to-be Kindergarten, Shining Rivers Waldorf School, will be starting in a few weeks. She's growing up!
This picture of Ainsley explains it all. She is in a fantasy world at all times. It has been months since she will willingly respond to her actual name of Ainsley. We've all gotten in to the habit of asking her "Who are you being," in fear of the rage that will ensue if we call her Ainsley. She will play any animal or human character she creates, but typically for a maximum of 15 minutes. She and Reiley are often partners in pretend play until the fighting starts over who gets ownership of a pretend character (Madeline, the Angel Gabriel, and Mary, the Mother of Jesus, are hotly contested alter-egos). Ainsley is certainly entering the age of 2.5-year-old independence, but she's still very affectionate and always a hoot.
Sawyer turned 7 months old this weekend and he is seriously this happy 90% of the time. Full-time sitting up seems to have made him even happier. He will play contentedly with all of us around him for sometimes up to an hour (silent thank-you prayers are being sent up often)! He's still very big. At this 6 month appointment he was 21lbs, 3 oz, and he sure seems heavier every day! He loves to laugh at his sisters and be outside.
Obviously, I'll need to work on limiting the words
Hey Jen,
I'm all about the more pictures, less words strategy for my blog. Although I notice I have been adding a little more text lately. It can always be a combo. Anyway, my sister and her husband are awesome bloggers, and it's hard not to compare sometimes. But I think our purposes are different and that is o k a y. We just do what we can or what fits us best. Great pics of the kids!!! We'll have to get together some time this summer. Kathy, if you happen to read this comment, I love the name Lucy! Take care!
P.S. Brooke and I are having a garage sale June 13th. If you have anything you'd like to sell or want to drop by just let me know.
hmmm. guilt trip. i just went back and blogged on our page since the last one was all about... me. no news of the boys!
sawyer is the cutest heavyweight! i'll bet your arms are quite buff! love the t-ball uniform, too.
Sawyer looks like Kevin, Holy Cow.
I actually love all your text! Sure, pictures are worth a thousand words, but sometimes we need some of your colorful descriptions also! You do a great job! I am always impressed by you! Congrats on all you've accomplished!
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