I'm starting to lose hope of ever being caught up on the blog. But I'm at peace with that reality. We've been living in the moment and enjoying each one! Here's what we've been up to!
In September, we made a 6 hour long journey to Ohio for my cousin Holly's wedding. We hadn't seen any of my cousins and aunts for about two years, and it was wonderful to spend time with them again! We were a bit nervous to embark on a 48 hour trip in which 12 of those would be spent in the car. The first night was rocky, and led me to swear we'd never travel again...EVER. But all in all, the kids did really well. One of our sanity savers was this outside picnic at McDonald's. The kids (and Mom and Dad too) got some wiggles out.

The weather for the wedding was absolutely perfect, and we managed to get a family shot where almost everyone was looking and no one looked weird. Quite an accomplishment!

The girls couldn't wait to dance at the reception, and Grandpa and GrandMar did NOT disappoint them. Check out my Dad's twistin'! He should expect a call from "So You Think You Can Dance?"

Wedding season sent us to Kansas City for the wedding of one of my best friends from high school. Due to the tumultous travel with the entire family a few weeks before, we opted to have the girls have a slumber party at our house with GrandMar and Grandpa while we took Sawyer to KC. This was the first time that we have left the girls overnight (except when I was having babies), and it went fantastically! I had a great time laughing, dancing and talking for hours with Betsy (the bride) and Bri, my other high school BFF. It was such a fun getaway!

While we were gone, the girls played "cover sick GrandMar with blankets"

And feasted on a Dairy Queen dinner that included ice cream AND fries. Now THAT'S what grandparents are for. I've been hearing about the ice cream and fries for the last two months!

The next weekend we made a trip to
Mill's Apple Farm for our annual apple-picking trip. We've found a new apple home in this farm that is much more mellow and less crowded than the ones we've been to in the past.

This was Sawyer's first apple-picking adventure. He grabbed on and ate almost the entire apple before we realized that he was ingesting it seeds and all.

Reiley's been working up her courage to climb an apple tree at the farm and finally did it this year! She was very proud.

Next up was the Pumpkin Patch. Ainsley is sporting some awesome shades for the trip.

This horse swing was the main attraction for Ainsley.

Ainsley rode the bucking bronco swing while Reiley and Daddy scaled the hay pyramid.

And young John Deere found some acreage to till. I'm unsure if this is even correct farm lingo. but I'm going with it.

It was VERY wet and muddy, and we were the only ones attempting to go to the fields to pick our pumpkins. I, however, was determined. If I wanted to get an already-picked pumpkin, I would just go to the grocery store. That is
why we are at the pumpkin patch. So, in true Heffern Family style, we decide to go against the mainstream way of thinking and pull the kids in wagons through the sludge, over a huge mud hill, and get to the patch. It was well worth it. Sawyer had a great time crawling around in the mud.

Reiley wrangled her chosen pumpkin from the vine.

A week later, Reiley's Kindergarten class went to same pumpkin patch. Sawyer played with Daddy while the girls had a girls outing. As you can see, it was unseasonably cold!

The next weekend, Reiley's Daisy trip had the opportunity to learn about caring for and ride miniature horses. This was a confidence-building trip for Reiley because she was
very nervous about touching and riding the horses.

She was a bit cautious at first, but after watching almost all of the girls take their turn riding, she walked into the ring with no fear, just excitement. It was inspiring to watch her summon up her courage and truly enjoy a new experience.

Sawyer also spent much of Fall enjoying his mobility and exploring the many sensory experiences our backyard has to offer. Mud, sand, rainwater overflow and a hoe...could he be any happier??

He also had a great time painting pumpkins with girls. Well, painting pumpkins after he painted his face, hand, shirt and paper:-).
Many, many fall adventures!
Wow. Brave to ride a horse!
Love the picture of Sawyer on the tractor. :) Can't wait to see you guys next week!
Great Pictures.
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