Thursday, November 20, 2008

Mr. Sawyer

Here are some new pictures of "Mr. Sawyer". I've been affectionately calling him that since he came home, and now Ainsley calls him that about 50% of the time.
Here's Sawyer with Daddy - he's a twin of Baby Kevin!Enjoying morning play time with big sisters...
...and clearly finished with big sister play time

I love this picture of his big, rolly belly, and his look of "are you kidding me, Mom? Pick me up before I get smothered in hugs again."
As I'm finally publishing this post, the pictures have become dated. My babies pack on the pounds fast. I'll post more soon!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Let's Go Fly a Kite

Saint Louis enjoyed some really beautiful fall days (highs in the 70s, full sunshine) the week after Sawyer was born. We hit a park every afternoon, and Kevin and I got the itch to fly a kite. A few snags in the plan included A) no kite, and little luck in finding one; and B) little experience with successful kite-flying. As luck would have it, a trip to Once Upon a Child for more Sawyer clothes yielded a two-pack of "Easy 2 Fly" kites. Two first-born, over-achievers should be able to handle "Easy 2 Fly" - right?

We now had kites in our possession; however, the weather was now even colder than usual - cloudy and in the 40s. Determined, we arranged for Kevin to come home from work early to take advantage of a windy, but not freezing day. Reiley, having poured over a treasury of Spot stories (by Eric Hill) from the library, which included a tale of Spot flying a kite, was thrilled for the chance to fly a kite. She was also mildly concerned that our kite would get stuck in a tree (which was Spot's fate), and unlike Spot, we wouldn't have a talking, top-hat wearing kangaroo to jump up and save our kite from the tree. We promised we would hold on tight to the kite.

We packed all the kids and my mom (GrandMar to the kids) into the van and set off for our local elementary school down the street with a big soccer field perfect for kite-flying. Kevin spent a nerve-wracking 5 minutes trying to launch the kite. Kevin and Reiley share similar frustration tolerances, and I could sense their anxiety escalating simultaneously. "Is the kite ever going to fly high in the sky, Mom??"

After several sprints from Kevin, the kite was successfully launched to the sound of cheers from the rest of us! I love the sprinting stance from Kevin in this picture.

The kite rode on the wind for about 20 minutes, which gave everyone a chance to hold it and watch it, and for parents to attempt artsy photos.
Reiley was so genuinely thrilled to fly the kite. It was another opportunity for me to experience excitement and wonder through the eyes of my children. Such a simple act - flying a diamond-shaped plastic sheet in the air - created a great family memory for all of us.
Ainsley was mildly entertained by flying the kite, mostly because she was able to sing "Let's Go Fly a Kite" from Mary Poppins repeatedly. She became distracted by the playground next to the soccer field, and after we had spent a while with the kite, we headed up to the playground. The grown-ups were in charge of steering the kite away from the trees around the playground. Unfortunately, on my watch, the kite plummeted onto the school roof, and then into a nearby tree. Reiley, reminded of Spot's misfortune, burst instantly into tears, and asked us how we were ever going to save the kite.
The tree was too high to climb, and Kevin proclaimed it a lost cause. However, GrandMar and I combined our woman power to grab the string and pull it down with some random things we had with us and saved the day!

Here's a video of our adventure

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Welcoming Sawyer Home

We've had a busy two weeks welcoming Sawyer home! He's breastfeeding well, sleeping A LOT (he's only awake about 4 hours a day), and so nice to snuggle! Here's the little man with his eyes open. I was too lazy (I have about 5 minutes to throw this post together) to get the red eye out. We are starting to think that he might end up with brown eyes. The dark blue that he had the first few days has changed to a murky grey/brown color. I've had some dissenting opinions regarding my theory, but I think my Mom hunch is right (or do I just really love brown-haired, brown-eyed boys?).

The girls were SO excited when his umbilical cord stump fell off and they were able to take a bath with him. He was very calm in the bath and tolerated Reiley's thorough washing of him, and Ainsley's attempts to drag him out of the bathtub so that she could sit in it (yes, Ainsley is experiencing some middle-child angst right now; Mommy is trying to give her lots of Ainsley-alone snuggle time).

I think that he looks especially beefy in this picture. His face is really starting to fill out, but his legs are still super-skinny, which looks hilarious sticking out from his huge cloth diaper.

Reiley and Sawyer have some special snuggle time whenever he's awake. She'll hold him for 20 minutes at a time, stroking him and filling him in on what's going on in the world (Obama's presidential win, the weather, where we are going to go during the day, etc.) It's one of those sweet scenes that warms a mother's heart (and makes my eyes well up with big, post-partum tears).

The "I have two big sisters" dress-up games have officially begun. Fortunately, we don't have any play make-up around with which to decorate my dear son.
The girls like to read to him, though they become quickly frustrated that he can't sit through a 20-minute story.

Ainsley's favorite Sawyer game is anything that involves sitting or laying by him. She'll quickly dump Baby Jesus to save a spot on her lap for Baby Sawyer. Unfortunately, she also tries to roll Baby Sawyer off in the same way. We're working on that one!
We'll keep you posted, and will hopefully get more Sawyer eyes-open pictures as he has more awake hours during the day.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Introducing Sawyer William

Our baby boy is finally here! Sawyer William was born on Thursday, October 30 at 4:11 pm. He weighs 8 lbs, 2 oz and is 21 inches long (our heaviest and longest baby yet). He has a little bit of dark brown hair, blue eyes, and a face that is somewhat reminiscent of the girls, but all his own.

The labor went much more quickly then my previous ones - so quickly that we thought we had much more time than we actually had. By the time I realized that contractions were 3 and 2 minutes apart, Kevin was throwing last minute things in bags and running them out to the car. We raced through rush hour traffic to the hospital, and my water broke as I was kneeling on the concrete in front of the emergency room having contractions (much to the surprise of people waiting on the bench outside). A nurse came out with a wheelchair, and helped me onto a gurney. Kevin and two of the nurses ran pushing the gurney up to Labor and Delivery (much like one of those crazy birth movies), and we got into the room at 3:50. I started pushing and Sawyer was born at 4:11. Very intense but very exciting!

The girls are completely in love with Sawyer and are squabbling over who gets to hold him and how long. We came home on Saturday and are settling in to our new routines. He's figured out that night is a time for sleeping - so we are getting much less tired! Fortunately, the girls are still sleeping well and up to their usual antics. We're having fun welcoming Sawyer into our family!